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Hooked How To Build Habit Forming Products Book Review: Only The Facilitator Win/Wins

Hooked Book

Hooked was an absolutely great book.

The core concept is having a signal flow of:

Trigger -> Action -> Investment -> Variable Reward

First something Triggers you whether that is internal or external depends on yourself.

Then you take Action perhaps you go to a website or you get a plate of raw food.

After that leads to you Investing time doing whatever it is that you were doing.

Then you have to have a Variable Reward to bring the people back into the loop. If you always receive the same reward that would not entertain people for long enough.

The Manipulation Matrix:

The ultimate goal is to be a Facilitator this is someone who uses the products they sell & the product they use improves the their life.

You only want to develop products that have good, positive habit loops.

Products that you yourself use.

If you won't use a product, get away from it and find a new one that you would use.

If a product does not improve your life, get away from it and find a new one that will improve your life.

I personally listen to all of my songs hundreds of times even after they are completed.

I also read every book I ever recommend or book review.

People love facilitators. Remember to be one!


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