Defining Success: What Is Success To You?
Success is something that everyone wants.
Yet at the same time success translates to different things depending on who you are talking with.
A quick google of the word success yields "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose."
Each of us have different aims, different purposes & therefore what success is to one success is not to another.
To one person success may translate to having a nice car & a fancy house.
To another success may translate to great riches & lots of money.
To even another success may translate to enough free time to make it to all of their children's special events.
Success is what you define it for yourself.
In order to be living the life of your dreams you must get clear on what success is to you.
What makes you a Successful Person?
Copy the question & write your answer on a sheet of paper or in a word document.
Next check out the habits post and begin setting up habits that would enable you to become your definition of success.
Best of Luck out there!