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Lifestyle Design is a new section where Luxern gives helpful lifestyle design tips.

This first post is about Habits what are they, how do they work, can you change them?


habit cue, routine, reward

Habits work in a loop fashion. First there is a Cue, then there is a Routine, and finally you have a Reward.

The Cue is what triggers you to begin your Routine which when completed yields your Reward.

Some practical examples.

You wake up due to the sun coming up (Cue) & then get dressed (Routine) so you are ready for the day (Reward).

Your hungry (Cue) so you create a meal for yourself (Routine) then you eat the meal and feel full again (Reward).

You get on the computer (Cue) you go to (Routine) you check out all the new content (Reward).

Habits are at the core of everything we do.

In order to change a habit you must first recognize the Cue, Routine, & Reward.

Then once you are consciously aware of the habit loop you being by replacing whichever part of the loop you find nondesirable. Replace the Cue, Routine, or Reward.

The goal is to invest in the habits that will yield the best results long term.

Recommended Habits Include:

*Going To The Gym

*Eating Only Raw Food

*Waking Up Naturally & Falling Asleep Naturally

*Writing three things you are grateful for everyday in a notebook

*Keeping A Journal

*Reading Books

*Going Swimming

*Having A Hobby

*Saving Money

*Meditation For Mental Silence

*Practicing Creative Visualization

*Speaking Aloud Affirmations

*Spending Time With Positive Uplifting Inspirational People

Good luck & hopefully this helps you on your journey towards supreme bliss.


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