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The Kybalion Book Review: The Ultimate Principles Of The Universe Revealed?

There is a very small book that has stirred up a lot of talk in the past hundred years since its release in 1908. Its name is the Kybalion and it was written by the Three Initiates. Legend has it that the Three Initiates was the pseudonym of William Walker Atkinson, an occult writer who lived during this same time period.

the kybalion by three initiates

The Kybalion is a very small book, only 160 pages long if you have the cornerstone edition by Tarcher Penguin. A one sitting read for most avid readers. This book has had the most profound impact on me as compared to any other in existence.

So the big question this book answers is essentially how does the universe operate?

How does the book do it? The 7 Hermetic Principles.

The book opens up with some interesting lines to spark your curiosity, it even claims its for more highly evolved humans (level 5 versus level 4) and that to the average person the book will just be "words words word". To someone who can interpret the same exact words the keys to all doors will be given.

Interesting enough so I continued reading only to find that this book had a lot more than I had originally bargained for.

The 7 Hermetic Principles

1. The Principle Of Mentalism

2. The Principle Of Correspondence

3. The Principle Of Vibration

4. The Principle Of Polarity

5. The Principle Of Rhythm

6. The Principle Of Cause & Effect

7. The Principle Of Gender

The core of the book revolves around the above principles. I will explain these principles in the way that my mind interpreted them. If you desire the literal interpretation I recommend you read the book yourself as it will help you much throughout your life.

1. The Principle Of Mentalism -> All begins and ends with the Mind. Therefore, All is Mind, Your brain creates all of the realities you experience.

Your mind is your most valuable asset. The only smart thing to do is get smarter about how your mind works. Every single thing you experience is filtered through your Mind. Therefore all science is subjective because all of the data is filtered through your Mind. This is the key to reality creation & generation.

2. The Principle Of Correspondence -> There are planes of existence and what happens to the plane above us happens to our plane as well. As above, so below. As below, so above.

There are levels to reality. You can move between them at will once you achieve a certain degree of knowledge and technique. This solves the 'mystery' of death. The idea is that when you die you simply move to a higher plane of existence where physical matter ceases to exist and all is just waves and particles.

3. The Principle of Vibration -> Everything moves, everything Vibrates. The world is always spinning.

We are always moving, even when 'at rest' simply because our cells are always vibrating. This is where the law of Attraction comes from. You vibrate at the same frequency as the object of your desire and by doing so that object comes to you. There are many techniques aimed at achieving the manifestation of your desires and they are all based on this principle.

4. The Principle of Polarity -> Everything is on a scale separated by degrees. Hot & Cold are the same exact thing separated by degrees.

In the world we have a massive duality. Good & Bad, Hot & Cold, Tall & Short, Love & Hate, etc. The truth is that both of those concepts that we have divided stem from a unity. We treat them as separate because the experience is different depending upon what end of the scale we are on. Personally, I recommend the high end of the scale. Which end is the high end? You decide.

5. The Principle Of Rhythm -> Life happens in cycles.

There is an ebb and a flow to the tide. The seasons come and go in a regular cycle. The earth spins around the sun in a regular cycle. The universe is cyclic. Events tend to repeat themselves at the right time in the cycle.

6. The Principle Of Cause & Effect -> All had a cause prior to the effect.

With this one I simply ask that you play with thoughts such as: I get money without work, I have fun without paying for it, I love and laugh freely. Do these thoughts cause something? What is the effect?

7. The Principle Of Gender -> There is a feminine & masculine principle embedded in everything.

The feminine receives. The masculine gives.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. The Kybalion definitely left a mark on me & ever since I have always felt that my life was greatly improved after having obtained this knowledge. Perhaps this simple review may do the same for you & your life.

Thank you for reading. Look forward to more.

I love you always.


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