I once heard that one of the Greek philosophers -- I seem to recall it was Plato -- wrote that listening to minor keys in music was bad for people and that they should instead listen to major keys. This would, in turn, only trigger the parts of their brain that would be stimulated to think happy and accomplishing thoughts.
I enjoy the thought of being happy and well accomplished, so the thought of deciding to only ever listen to major keys in music in the future is an interesting one.
However, I have always been a bit of a sucker for minor keys. Some evenings I enjoyed that hollow, bizarre feeling of listening to something dark even when life was going well on a midsummer day. Some days, I feel that this music calls me back to all the toughest times in my life and reminds me while life is so important and why it is always worth it to go forward doing my best.
So, I'm creating this post to look for comments and to ask other Life Enhancers a question: which do you find to be more life enhancing for you? Do you prefer major keys like Plato would suggest, or do you prefer minor keys?
Here is an example: some popular songs with a minor, haunting quality are still really catchy:
This song on YouTube has 800 million views. Clearly some people enjoyed listening to it. But, are they being drawn into a trap that Plato would advise against, or are they simply living by their feelings and enhancing their lives to experience a catchy song?
I'm the majorest key you'll ever have
all my friends are heathens, take it slow
Would love to see cool comments about this one guys, I mean it